Care Navigator Flipbook

Supporting modern general practice access

Care Navigator Supporting modern general practice access


An introduction to ������������������������� 4-5 Care Navigator Care Navigator integration ������� 6-7 with EMIS-X Care Navigator, helping you ������ 8-9 manage capacity and demand Key functionality ����������������������10-11 How the triage ���������������������������12-13 system works Designed for �������������������������������14-15 efficiency Care Navigator in ���������������������16-17 action – demo video Rich reporting ����������������������������18-19 capabilities Key benefits �������������������������������� 20-21 Get in touch ���������������������������������������22



An introduction to Care Navigator From Krishna Vakharia, Chief Medical Officer, EMIS

It’s for all these reasons that I’m excited for our new Care Navigator solution and believe it will transform how practices manage their capacity and demand, improving the experience of both patients and practice teams.

As a GP working on the front line, I’ve seen firsthand the impact of increased patient demand, while practices

remain incredibly under-resourced. We need to look differently at the way care is provided if we’re to create sustainable primary care services for the future, and I believe that technology has an important role to play in this. Initiatives like Pharmacy First aim to divert some patients to local pharmacies, but many people still see GPs as their first port of call. GP practices therefore need effective methods to triage patients to the right care first time. By creating digital pathways and improving communication channels, we can improve access for patients. Capturing patient information in simple online forms enables care navigation teams to assess patients’ care needs and resolve them appropriately – sharing self-care information, issuing sick notes, and booking video or face-to face appointments in-house or with wider local services. We can also reduce pressures on practice teams through proactive communication with our patients. Being able to direct patients within a specific cohort helps us manage care on mass and supports health initiatives such as cervical screening and vaccinations. By adding self-book appointment links we can reduce the admin burden further and start to empower patients to better manage their care, working to a timetable that suits them and reducing the number of no-shows.



Demand for efficient and accessible NHS primary care services has never been higher. Recognising this challenge, and the requirements of the NHS’ Primary Care Access Recovery Plan, we’ve developed a new generation of online consultation solution integrated with the EMIS-X companion app. Our newly released care navigation solution creates a simple pathway for patients to digitally Supporting the Primary Care Access Recovery Plan Richard Smith, Product Marketing Director, EMIS

engage with their practice. By efficiently capturing patient queries through their

website, in person, or over the telephone, and presenting these in a structured way, practices can efficiently process patient demand.



Care Navigator is our new digital pathways solution, providing: Care Navigator, helping you manage capacity and demand

Integrated with EMIS-X, Care Navigator supports total triage and enables you to provide a digital front door to your practice. Patients can complete easy-to-use online forms that capture the necessary information for your teams to assess their care needs and respond quickly and effectively, ensuring patients receive the right care, in the right place, at the right time. Flexible messaging allows to you share self-book appointments, documents, questionnaires and self-help information, both one-to-one or with targeted cohorts of patients. Cross organisational appointment booking allows you to share demand with other local organisations. And powerful reporting helps you make data-driven decisions to design your services around your populations’ needs. 9

• online consultations

• admin requests

• prescription ordering

• care navigation

• communication management

• cross organisation appointment booking

• video consultations

• reporting.


Key functionality

The Care Navigation platform delivers: Customisable patient journeys – Define your own patient journeys using customisable templates that allow patients to submit consultation and administrative requests. You can use the information shared to direct patients to the most appropriate care – share self-help information, book appointments in practice or at another local service. Seamless workflow management – Assign queries to the most appropriate individuals or groups, respond to messages with requests for appointments or questionnaires, or securely send documents directly from the patient record (e.g. Med3 requests). Enhanced accessibility – Care Navigator is designed to be accessible to the widest possible audience. It’s built to NHS accessible design standards, is available direct from practice websites and uses NHS Login, making it easy for anyone to use. Rich reporting – Understand the patient demands on your practice, and adapt your resources accordingly. For advanced analysis, data can be fed into Apex, giving you an even richer picture of your practice’s or PCN’s activities and allow you to forecast future demand or capacity.

Dynamic patient communication – Manage single patient enquiries without the need for face-to-face appointments and deliver proactive patient campaigns using intelligent batch messaging capabilities to help managed long term conditions or flu campaigns to either gather information or offer appointments to specific patient cohorts.



Care Navigator makes it easier for you to direct patients to the most appropriate care first time. How the triage system works



Designed for efficiency Configurable pathways – set up your preferred patient flow by capturing the information needed to triage or directing patients to appropriate local services.

Cross-organisational – book appointments directly with other local services to share demand with local pharmacies and across your PCN.

Reduce demand – allow patients to self-serve for defined pathways, for example, booking a cervical smear or flu jab at your PCN Hub, or self-refer to social prescribing.

Free up capacity – effective patient communication and digital care navigation can save practices approximately 2,000 appointments annually.

Proactive – using the integrated batch messaging, outreach to patient cohorts to capture information through structured questionnaires or invite bookings.



Care Navigator in action

Simple patient login and identification – Patients can use their NHS login or a combination of NHS number, name, date of birth and postcode.

Accessible – Patient screens built to web content accessibility guideline standards to optimise engagement and completion.

Designed with proxies in mind – Care navigation and online booking can be completed on behalf of a patient.

Customisable – Only capture the information you need from your patients, and reduce double entry.

Supports inbuilt data reports – Understand your practice population better and make data driven decisions. 17


Rich reporting capabilities

In-built reports provide: • Data dashboards • Status of online consultations and requests • Patient demographics

• Outcomes to patients • Export of data to .CSV file • Centralised reporting to NHS England

Powerful reporting enables you to monitor demand and use data-driven decisions to improve services. Designed to work with Apex • Supports the coding of data - Design online consultations and admin requests with inbuilt SNOMED codes to enable in-depth reporting and analysis. • Measure volumes and report - Analyse your practice’s data in easy to understand, visual dashboards to better understand the needs of your patient population. Data can be exported into .csv reports. • Patient insights - Design your practice workforce around your patients and their needs through patient insights data. Identify opportunities to drive efficiency, make service improvements, and design and optimise healthcare interventions. • Enables capacity planning - Apex’s capacity planning tool allows you to forecast and plan for anticipated practice demand. Support optimising patient outcomes by identifying high frequency users in your practice.



Key benefits

Timely patient support - Triage to the right service, at the right time.

Effective demand management and workflow - Direct requests to the most appropriate team and focus appointments on those most in need. Effective communication - Send and receive via SMS or email including appointment links, questionnaires and self-help information. Seamless appointment booking - View and book appointments across organisations.

Improve access - Patients have access to services via website, phone or in person.



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