Care Navigator Flipbook

Care Navigator is our new digital pathways solution, providing: Care Navigator, helping you manage capacity and demand

Integrated with EMIS-X, Care Navigator supports total triage and enables you to provide a digital front door to your practice. Patients can complete easy-to-use online forms that capture the necessary information for your teams to assess their care needs and respond quickly and effectively, ensuring patients receive the right care, in the right place, at the right time. Flexible messaging allows to you share self-book appointments, documents, questionnaires and self-help information, both one-to-one or with targeted cohorts of patients. Cross organisational appointment booking allows you to share demand with other local organisations. And powerful reporting helps you make data-driven decisions to design your services around your populations’ needs. 9

• online consultations

• admin requests

• prescription ordering

• care navigation

• communication management

• cross organisation appointment booking

• video consultations

• reporting.


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