Care Navigator Flipbook

Key functionality

The Care Navigation platform delivers: Customisable patient journeys – Define your own patient journeys using customisable templates that allow patients to submit consultation and administrative requests. You can use the information shared to direct patients to the most appropriate care – share self-help information, book appointments in practice or at another local service. Seamless workflow management – Assign queries to the most appropriate individuals or groups, respond to messages with requests for appointments or questionnaires, or securely send documents directly from the patient record (e.g. Med3 requests). Enhanced accessibility – Care Navigator is designed to be accessible to the widest possible audience. It’s built to NHS accessible design standards, is available direct from practice websites and uses NHS Login, making it easy for anyone to use. Rich reporting – Understand the patient demands on your practice, and adapt your resources accordingly. For advanced analysis, data can be fed into Apex, giving you an even richer picture of your practice’s or PCN’s activities and allow you to forecast future demand or capacity.

Dynamic patient communication – Manage single patient enquiries without the need for face-to-face appointments and deliver proactive patient campaigns using intelligent batch messaging capabilities to help managed long term conditions or flu campaigns to either gather information or offer appointments to specific patient cohorts.



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