EMIS-X Brochure 2024

The evolution We’re adopting an evolutionary approach for EMIS-X, introducing new functionality incrementally so that you benefit quicker, without the need to retrain on a whole new system from day one. By initially using EMIS-X alongside EMIS Web you’re able to familiarise yourself with the EMIS-X user interface and benefit from new functionality whilst maintaining the rich clinical features of EMIS Web. This ensures a smooth transition and provides a foundation platform for us to deliver enhancements quicker and easier. The next major phase will be a Technology Innovation Framework (TIF) compliant system available in a browser. This will include core functionality including prescribing, appointments management, and consultations. As an internet first solution this will support remote

EMIS-X allows us to manage documents

whilst navigating through the patient record. This has really improved efficiency and usability of the system.” Osman Bhatti, St Andrew’s Health Centre, London

working and facilitate speed and agility outside a normal general practice setting. EMIS-X will continue to evolve, ultimately replacing EMIS Web and becoming the platform that underpins our solutions across all healthcare settings.

Click the arrow for more information. Our Product Marketing Director goes into further detail in this video.



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