EMIS Spotlight Issue 3



Flu season is a challenging time for many GP practices. As workloads increase, it’s important that your practice has the right digital tools in place during this busy time. We wanted to find out how our EMIS partners are supporting flu clinics this winter by asking ‘How can GP practices improve the effectiveness of their flu clinics with digital technology?’. Partner roundtable: How can GP practices improve the effectiveness of their flu clinics with digital technology?

“Two of the biggest challenges facing flu clinics are minimising DNAs and improving uptake of vaccinations. In

The platform also helps identify the target patient cohorts, reducing ineffective campaigns and wastage.

both areas, digital technology has an essential role to play. Batch messages and reminders are used by many practices. But harnessing these simple communication tools to their fullest potential can really be effective. Mjog, by Livi, provides batch messaging that lets GP practices set up customised, editable messages by appointment type. Our partners can run dedicated campaigns for flu season and we can provide content and functionality to roll it out over a health system in a couple of clicks.

By working with our GP practice and PCN partners, we’ve seen, first hand, the affect it can have – such as helping clinic planning months in advance and managing the busiest periods.” Jamie Griffin, Head of Commercial (NHS), Mjog

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