EMIS Spotlight Issue 3

Improving patient access through social prescribing

From increasing waiting times to GP staff shortages, improving patient access poses a significant challenge for many practices. With 1 in 5 patients presenting with issues that are more social than medical, social prescribing offers a promising solution to this ongoing issue.

Understanding social prescribing Social prescribing is a non-medical treatment that connects patients with community services. This shifts the focus away from just treating the symptoms to addressing the wider health issues health.

Give patients direct access to community services Patients have direct access to community services without a GP appointment, allowing them to explore activities that match their interests, motivating them to improve their health. supporting all daily client-related activities, from case notes to referrals, whilst capturing valuable efficacy data. This allows personalised care staff to take on bigger case loads. Since using Joy: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICB experienced a 35% decrease in GP appointments. Wokingham Borough Council has seen a 71% increase in patient wellbeing. Efficiently manage bigger case loads Joy streamlines patient management, ARRS have saved 4-8 hours a week.

Supporting the delivery of social prescribing with technology

By using digital technology, practices can move patients with non-clinical issues from GPs and other clinical services towards community based resources – saving valuable clinical time. Joy’s easy-to-use social prescribing platform manages the workflow and case management associated with social prescribing referrals. Integrated with EMIS Web, Joy easily identifies patients whose health and well-being challenges could be addressed with non-clinical pathways, directing them to appropriate care in the community. How can Joy help your practice? Reduce pressure on primary care services Instantly refer patients from within EMIS Web to local commissioned services. Data is shared seamlessly between EMIS and Joy meaning less time is spent manually inputting patient data.

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