About us

Michaella Biscomb-Tempest Head of Customer Communications

Reports to: Kelly Limonte

Responsibilities Working with my amazing team, we take care of the day-to-day comms for our customers – keeping them updated and engaged with the latest releases, new functionality and changes. We also manage crisis comms for customers when we're facing challenging incidents!

What’s your working style? •

What motivates you? •

Tidy inbox, tidy Teams – Lists Lists Lists! Understanding, sharing and interrogating the detail - like a dog with a bone, if it doesn't make sense to me, it doesn't make sense for our customers! Friendly and Flexible - a mixture of chatty and relaxed as well as super focused and efficient

Working for a company that creates positive change and supports our NHS Making sure things are done properly and for the right reasons Having the autonomy and trust to crack on and do the right thing Working with such a nice team of collaborative, fun folk!

Outside of work

Currently in full-reno mode transforming our 'fixer upper'. I'm taking an evening Carpentry Course at the building college to up my skills!

Open-door policy for waifs and strays in our house – our cats and dog keep us busy, skint and covered in fur!

We love trips, travels and days out. Our camper is soon to be renovated, we love watching different sports + all things mainly revolve around vegan food!

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