About us

Izzy Pears Strategic Digital & Design Manager

Reports to: Kelly Limonte

Responsibilities I look after the digital and design team, made up of three amazing graphic designers, social media manager and myself. I focus on maximising our digital marketing platforms, as well as any ad-hoc projects I can get myself involved in!

What’s your working style? • Project work

What motivates you? •

Seeing the potential of what we can do

Collaboration makes work much more fun

Fast paced deadlines

Amazing people

High level overviews

Outside of work

I love spending time with friends and family. Usually enjoying lots of good food and drink.

Spending time on holiday is my favourite thing to do, especially when there’s Aperol and a sunset. How can I do that full time??

I’m a very proud cat mum to Penelope, a 4 year old ragdoll.

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