About us

Our team!

Kelly Limonte Group Marketing and CommsDirector

Reports to: John McCormack

Responsibilities I manage one of the most talented teams in the business, responsible for the marketing, digital, design and customer comms for all our solutions and partners. I develop the strategy for marketing and comms to deliver the business objectives for new growth, retention and brand.

What’s your working style?

What motivates you?

love working under pressure

Fast Paced environments

Summary bullets over MS Teams

Exceeding expectations of SLT

Seeing my team succeed and shine

If it's not fun as well as work, I'm out!

Outside of work

Two amazing kids Sienna and Hugo, single working mummy

Anything outdoors, Horsey mad, owning 3 keeps me busy!

Friends, family, and parties at my forever home in the middle of nowhere!

Liz Teasdale Head of marketing - healthcare

Reports to: Kelly Limonte

Responsibilities I look after the amazing healthcare marketing team, empowering them to excel in their roles and providing them with the resources and support they need to delight our customers. I’m responsible for the overarching healthcare marketing strategy and ensuring alignment with the company's objectives. I work collaboratively across teams to identify areas for improvement and make positive change.

What’s your working style?

What motivates you?

Analytical – give me all the detail

Good people, good energy


Fixing problems

Problem solver

Having a positive impact

Outside of work

Adam and Django, may two favourites. I spend most of my time hanging out with this two lovely guys.

I’m never happier than when I’m up a hill or

I have an amazing group of family and friends and like to spend as much time with them as possible… if delicious food is involved then all the better.

mountain. The Dales are my spiritual home but if I’m in nature then I’m happy.

Ian Blackmore-Allen Strategic Marketing Manager

Reports to: Liz Teasdale

Responsibilities I take care of marketing for primary care in England, with a focus on everything EMIS-X as well as the broad modern general practice content and EMIS Roadshows too. I work closely with Natasha, Rachel and Georgia to ensure the wide variety of work is delivered to the highest standards across the board.

What’s your working style?

What motivates you?

Must have a plan

Working with positive people

Not a fan of last minute

Making a difference

Collaboration with others a must

Seeing measurable results

Outside of work

Strength training

Leia the cat and other animals


Natasha Hartley Campaign manager Reports to: Liz Teasdale

Responsibilities I work in the health marketing team

alongside Rachel, Ian, and Georgia. I’m the lead for primary care marketing in Wales, N. Ireland and Scotland. I also work on retention marketing for EMIS Web in England, and additional products such as Apex and Local Services. But as a team we all get stuck into all sorts that's primary care related!

What’s your working style?

What motivates you?

Messy, but organised.

Working with supportive people I can bounce ideas off.

Non siloed working – I like to work across departments and teams.


Being busy. (I procrastinate when I have too much thinking time!)

• I'm focussed on learning how we can do better.

Outside of work

My family and I love live music. Over the next couple of months, I’m super excited to see Taylor Swift and Fatboy Slim. This picture is at a small family festival with my two children.

Our life has to be very child centred, so we socialise a lot with other parents, go out for meals, days out etc together. When I get some time to myself I go to the gym or catch up with my best friends.

Hobbies tend to be those I can pick up and put down at a moment’s notice– I’m a big fan of reading, and I’m not too fussy on a specific genre. (I also like a book recommendation!)

Rachel Parker Strategic marketing manager

Reports to: Liz Teasdale


Working in the health marketing team, I’m strategically focused on showcasing our solutions tailored for Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) that address wider integrated care challenges. I also collaborate closely with our colleagues focused on the community and acute sectors, supporting HUG events, more recently the launch of EMIS-X Mobile, and developing customer stories that highlight our products used in secondary care settings.

What’s your working style?

What motivates you? •

People - high energy from our team

Organised -I like a kanban board to keep me on track Collaborative – making the most of our combined skills

Detail – result orientated

Feedback – always looking where we can improve

Adaptable to shifting priorities

Outside of work

You'll find me outdoors in my free time, on walks, running with run club or exploring new places. With the family and our dog Milo.

My days outside of work are full on with my 3 little fellas. I'm their taxi driver, PA, and bank balance for various after-school activities. They love anything outdoors, baking and Lego.

I love a good nonfiction book, podcasts, music

and documentaries. I like the slower pace of life and always aim to balance the chaos with wellbeing and calm!

Georgia Townsend Marketing Exec Reports to: Liz Teasdale

Responsibilities I work within the health marketing team alongside amazing people: Ian, Rachel and Natasha. I look after everything B2C with Patient Info and Patient Access. I’m also marketing lead for Care Navigator and FourteenFish. I now manage our monthly EMIS newsletter too!

What’s your working style?

What motivates you?

Idea oriented

Measurable results

Problem solving

Having a positive impact


Continuous improvement

Outside of work

I spend a lot of my time outside of work with my partner, and we’re both huge foodies and music fans! We often let this dictate our travel destinations. We most recently went to Berlin for the music, and Barcelona for the tapas and sangria!

Obligatory pet appreciation section! I have two very cheeky dogs, Kobe and Roo. They make an appearance on calls now and again (usually because they’re barking at the postman and I need to pick them up to keep them quiet).

I love being active and I always try and stay on-the-go outside of work as much as possible! Yoga and pilates are my current go- to’s , I have a great studio close to home. If it’s warm enough, I love paddle boarding!

Stephanie Challoner Head of Industry Marketing

Reports to: Kelly Limonte


My responsibilities are to work closely with my team to deliver and execute excellent strategic marketing campaigns for the community pharmacy, life science and partner side of the business.

What’s your working style? •

What motivates you? •

I am driven by the PEOPLE I work alongside; I do my best in a team that’s supportive and creative.

I enjoy working is a fast passed high out put environment!

I love to be involved in a large variation of projects

I am very results and goal orientated

I enjoy working to pressure and deadlines!

I am a strategic top line thinker and just as happy working in a team or solo

Outside of work

Outside of work, I'm a wife and Mum. My perfect day involves spending time with my family and our dog, whether we're walking in the countryside or on the beach, which luckily is mins from us! You'll often catch me with a glass of wine in hand, either cooking u or just enjoying food! I'm also in the process of renewing my gliding license!

Fern Downham-Whittle Strategic Marketing Manager

Reports to: Steph Challoner

Responsibilities I support our amazing colleagues in the Research and Life Sciences side of the business. Setting the strategic direction for how we market to this customer base keeps me on my toes, with so many different groups to consider – from pharma and academia to healthcare and patients.

What’s your working style? •

What motivates you? •

I’m organised, proactive and like to get things over the line. I like to block my day to get stuck into different tasks on my ongoing list. Will juggle priorities and workload to ensure I’m supporting colleagues.

Bringing stories to life and showing the people behind the tech Working with an awesome team to create first class content Working with people who really care about our customers and the NHS

Outside of work

I’ve got a huge family and they’re all good eggs. Love hanging out with them for drunken games nights and hot tub escapes.

I’m mainly hanging out with this guy drinking something delicious, playing games, plotting fun trips away and planning our wedding!

This gorgeous little polar bear is Moose, my main man. Just don’t tell Andy.

Georgia Telling Campaign Manager Life Sciences

Reports to: Stephanie Challoner

Responsibilities I support the Research and Life Sciences team. I work closely with Fern to tell the story of what we are trying to achieve in this sector through our technology. I work closely with our clinicians on content to ensure it is engaging for our target audience.

What’s your working style?

What motivates you?

Bullet points for details.

Learning new ways of working.

Catch me on chat.

Being creative, I really enjoy working on video content.

Supportive, always .

Trying to better myself.

Outside of work

My 2 girls keep me very busy!

I enjoy walking, and the beach is my favourite for a good walk or swim!..if warm enough!

Love a trip to Cornwall to see my family who have migrated there.

Jess Wickens Strategic Marketing Manager

Reports to: Steph Challoner

Responsibilities I deliver the marketing strategy for

community pharmacy. Whether it’s telling a compelling customer story or finding the right approach to a launch, I work closely with our internal and external teams to better understand the challenges facing our pharmacies – turning insights into action.

What’s your working style?

What motivates you?

Anti-siloed working – let's get our heads together! Having a plan in place with clear deadlines.

Using data to back decisions.

Seeing those leads roll in.

Opportunities to grow my skillset.

Outside of work

Catching up with friends at the weekend – nothing beats a yoga and coffee morning.

At the weekend you'll find me up a hill, or lost in a field.

A HUGE foodie!

Erica Shek Campaign Manager

Reports to: Steph Challoner

Responsibilities My role is to create and manage marketing campaigns around all things Community Pharmacy, not only growing the customers in this area but retaining our existing ones as well with supportive and engaging marketing. I work closely with Jess and the sales team to create awareness and inform our customers about community pharmacy products through various platforms.

What’s your working style?

What motivates you?

Using Trello and having weekly to-do lists

Brainstorming with my team

Taking a break and re-reading something with a fresh pair of eyes

Team successes and working with my team in general

Thinking out the box

Feedback so I can do better next time

Being organised

Outside of work

I'm in a love/hate relationship with rollercoasters.

All I do is eat.

Belly laughing with my friends.

My aim is to try as many new restaurants and cafes as possible around the world!

P.S. we dressed each other in funny outfits and went to the pub as our version of secret Santa.

Next stop: Florida.

Katie Harrison Campaign Manager

Reports to: Steph Challoner

Responsibilities I work in Steph’s Enterprise and Life Science Marketing Team. I’m responsible for Partner Marketing, I work very closely with stakeholders in the Elite and Interop teams to understand partner products and promote them to the market.

What’s your working style?

What motivates you?

Try to be proactive and organised

Juggling multiple projects

Plan based on business objectives

Making a difference

Enjoy cross-departmental working

Taking on a challenge

Starter finisher

Working with a supportive team

Outside of work

My gang! Darcie, Emily and Maxwell. Mum to three amazing little people

I love arts and crafts – nowadays it’s mostly book day costumes and models for school projects

We’ve recently moved house and I’m excited to be planning décor, gardening and making it our home

Izzy Pears Strategic Digital & Design Manager

Reports to: Kelly Limonte

Responsibilities I look after the digital and design team, made up of three amazing graphic designers, social media manager and myself. I focus on maximising our digital marketing platforms, as well as any ad-hoc projects I can get myself involved in!

What’s your working style? • Project work

What motivates you? •

Seeing the potential of what we can do

Collaboration makes work much more fun

Fast paced deadlines

Amazing people

High level overviews

Outside of work

I love spending time with friends and family. Usually enjoying lots of good food and drink.

Spending time on holiday is my favourite thing to do, especially when there’s Aperol and a sunset. How can I do that full time??

I’m a very proud cat mum to Penelope, a 4 year old ragdoll.

Bilyana Yankova Senior Graphic Designer

Reports to: Izzy Pears

Responsibilities I am responsible for creating design collateral and video material across the business, for internal and external use. My main focus is to make sure all files are up to the highest standard. As part of the social media advocacy programme, my aim is driving brand awareness across the social media network.

What’s your working style? • Structured

What motivates you? •

Unlocking the potential of what we can achieve through visuals Creating new designs that lead to outstanding results

Collaborative – excited when working with others

High standard, attentive

Amazing people

Outside of work

I love learning about Art History and exploring different art styles. The most recent one I’ve dwelled into is realism. Yes, this is a painting. ☺

One of the hobbies that brings me inner peace is baking. I love exploring new recipes and enjoy creating bespoke decorations for cakes.

I enjoy every second of motherhood. One of my

missions for when I’m less tired on evenings is getting back into sewing and getting creative with their dresses and toys.

Bisoye Balogun Graphic Designer

Reports to: Izzy Pears

Responsibilities To provide international standard

graphics in every design project within the business. I’m responsible for designs and communication materials to support all Enterprise and Life Science managers.

What’s your working style?

What motivates you?

Well detailed brief

Acquire new design technique

Work independently and as part of a team Work under pressure and within the brand guidelines

Positive feedback across the EMIS brands

Passion for creativity and productivity

Brands research

Outside of work

As a photographer, I enjoy taking fashion events, lifestyle and travel photos.

Loving every bit of fatherhood and spending quality time with family.

I love Afrobeat’s musical events and concerts. It keeps me up to date with my roots and culture.

Cáit Hanstock Social Media Manager

Reports to: Izzy Pears

Responsibilities I manage the social media accounts across all the EMIS owned brands, from monitoring any tags and mentions, to planning and creating campaigns across all the business areas. I lead the social advocacy programme which aims to drive brand awareness through EMIS employees.

What’s your working style?

What motivates you?

Being part of such a great time, where everyone bounces ideas off each other!

Very organised – love a to-do list! Love working with different people from across the business. Like to have full details of a project before starting work on it.

Having such a varied role.

Learning all the time!

Outside of work

I absolutely love to travel! I’ve visited 37 countries so far and very excited to see more! My favourites so far have been Argentina, the Galapagos and Vietnam.

I love going to gigs and concerts! Some of the best ones I’ve been to are Coldplay, One Republic, John Mayer and Sam Fender.

I play netball for a team called the Otley Warriors. We play in a weekly league, and I mostly play WA or WD!

Michaella Biscomb-Tempest Head of Customer Communications

Reports to: Kelly Limonte

Responsibilities Working with my amazing team, we take care of the day-to-day comms for our customers – keeping them updated and engaged with the latest releases, new functionality and changes. We also manage crisis comms for customers when we're facing challenging incidents!

What’s your working style? •

What motivates you? •

Tidy inbox, tidy Teams – Lists Lists Lists! Understanding, sharing and interrogating the detail - like a dog with a bone, if it doesn't make sense to me, it doesn't make sense for our customers! Friendly and Flexible - a mixture of chatty and relaxed as well as super focused and efficient

Working for a company that creates positive change and supports our NHS Making sure things are done properly and for the right reasons Having the autonomy and trust to crack on and do the right thing Working with such a nice team of collaborative, fun folk!

Outside of work

Currently in full-reno mode transforming our 'fixer upper'. I'm taking an evening Carpentry Course at the building college to up my skills!

Open-door policy for waifs and strays in our house – our cats and dog keep us busy, skint and covered in fur!

We love trips, travels and days out. Our camper is soon to be renovated, we love watching different sports + all things mainly revolve around vegan food!

Jodie Stead Senior Customer Communications Specialist

Reports to: Michaella


Responsibilities Along with my amazing team, we create a range of communications for our customers which can vary from day-to-day, showcasing new functionality and major incident updates. I also manage communications for projects for our EMIS Web Primary Care customers, EMIS-X customers and Partners. Alongside my role, I am also a Mental Health First Aider and a Wellbeing Superchamp – these are topics that are very close to my heart.

What motivates you?

What’s your working style?

Working with such a supportive team – I know I will always have guidance whenever I need it.

Detail! I like to know all the info so I can make accurate and engaging comms for our customers.

Working for a company that is making a positive difference towards healthcare.

Lover of a to-do list . The satisfaction of crossing something off keeps me going!

Praise – I love to know that I am doing a good job. It’s always a good day when a Hero award lands in my inbox ☺

I like a laid- back pace but work better ‘under pressure’ or with a set deadline .

Outside of work

Crossfit - Myself and my partner Matt are keen ‘ crosfitters ’. We train at least 3-4 times a week. Being active works wonders for my wellbeing!

I’m a Leeds Knights Ice Hockey fan and can be found at ‘The Castle’ during the hockey season. I’m often there with Matt, my brother and friends.

‘Cat Mum’ to this handsome boy called Duke.

Grace Brooks Senior Customer Communications Specialist

Reports to: Michaella


Responsibilities I create meaningful and engaging communications for our Pharmacy (inc. Pinnacle and PPL), Acute and Secondary Care customers. I manage comms for projects throughout the business such as the MFA implementation and data challenges the comms team are currently facing.

What motivates you? •

What’s your working style? •

The great team I work with and making work life easier for them!

I need a lot of information before I can get started. Adaptable - I enjoy a relaxed pace day but work well under pressure. Balance - cracking on but chatting to the team throughout the day.

Learning new things every day.

Being recognised and rewarded for hard work.

Outside of work

I love to sew, knit, read and cook but one of my biggest passions is wine and my

My siblings are my best friends! I come from a big family, and we have a birthday nearly every month so it's normally karaoke to celebrate.

Born and raised in Watford – I live here now with my boyfriend Bradley and our 8-month-old cocker spaniel Murphy. I love the long walks and little adventures now we have a dog.

dream is to become a sommelier and go on Saturday Kitchen Live.

Ella Butler Customer Communications Specialist

Reports to: Michaella


Responsibilities In our team we are responsible for sending out the day-to-day comms to our customers, keeping them updated on all the exciting things we have to offer and updating them if there is an incident happening.

What motivates you?

What’s your working style?

Having such an amazing team behind me who are the best supporters.

Tick off to do lists are a must.

Post it notes!

Working for a company that will always strive to better people's lives and help them to live healthier lives.

Setting a time for myself to have a task completed before then.

Constantly learning new things and being rewarded for my successes.

Outside of work

I love to spend my free time with my family, especially my nephew, Jimmy. He is 3 years old and has the biggest character and an even bigger imagination which is why most of the time I'm pretending to be a T-Rex.

I love to see my friends as much as I can, which usually means day drinking in Manchester. I met some of my closest friends at EMIS and couldn't be more grateful for them.

I have been with my partner, Sean for 4 years and we're currently renovating our home together. We thought building flat pack furniture was testing but building an extension really takes it to

Fatima Touray Customer Communications Specialist

Reports to: Michaella


Responsibilities I manage our customer

communications through our online channels including the EMIS Now Forums and Facebook. I also assist with content creation for our Primary care products and services.

What motivates you?

What’s your working style?

Positive attitudes and affirmations

To do lists

Competition and challenges

Scheduled time slots for tasks

Opportunities to learn and grow

Colour Coding

Outside of work

I'm a big lover of art and enjoy drawing and painting in my free time. Anything that allows me to be creative is right up my street! My usual go to when creating is a classic black and white sketch

I enjoy quality time with friends and family and have a 2yr old daughter named Maggie. We enjoy going to the park and feeding the ducks, riding bikes, and painting together.

I have been a dancer for over 20 years and like to teach and choreograph pieces in my spare time. I am trained in contemporary,

ballet, commerrcial and Afro-Caribbean dance.

Chyna Zottola Complaints Manager

Reports to: Michaella


Responsibilities I manage complaints that come into the business, ensuring they are acknowledged and escalated to the right departments quickly to help resolve any issues customers have, I also provide feedback. I work alongside most departments within the business to understand and get results for the customer. I also produce the data from the complaints logging process, this can provide key detail to the business to understand feedback, areas to improve and highlight change impacts.

What motivates you?

What’s your working style?

• Working with positive people.

• Lots of lists! Love ticking jobs off so I feel accomplished. • I enjoy variety, working on different

• Seeing great results.

• Praise and getting noticed for my work .

tasks to stay fresh through the day.

Outside of work

This is my old girl Bella who was my first baby, taught me how to keep something alive before I had Luca.

I have a 2-year-old boy Luca, he takes up most of my time, I am never bored!

My husband Danny who I have been with since school, we love to go out drink, eat and spend time with friends and family.

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