Proxemis & O’Shaughnessy

Improving access

ProScript Connect is the market leading PMR software, used in over 5,300 pharmacies across the UK. We intend to explore the opportunities to work with community pharmacies to provide recruitment and screening services, dispensing of medicines, and where appropriate, the option to act as a trial site for clinical research studies.

In our digital-first world, we understand the opportunities to approach clinical trials differently, and leverage new approaches and technologies to make clinical research more accessible. We have the capabilities to support decentralised trial solutions, and bring research opportunities to patients where they are. We can facilitate remote or virtual patient consultations, support home visits, and incorporate wearable tech solutions for remote monitoring. “The UK regulators should work with industry, academia and other experts to develop central guidance by the end of 2023 on carrying out decentralised trials, covering the approvals and set up processes and which settings, such as, homes or pharmacies, as well as more traditional locations, can be included as trial sites, to promote decentralised and innovative trials.” We’re also exploring how we can leverage the our reach into community pharmacy settings to conduct clinical research activities in new ways. With access to electronic health records, experience in patient consultations and medication dispensing, as well as their potentially under-utilised capacity, community pharmacies are ideally positioned to provide clinical research services in the UK.

Clinical implementation

We’re committed to driving the real-world impact of research. That’s why we offer a range of services to help research teams implement their findings back into healthcare systems. By leveraging market-leading clinical systems such as EMISWeb, PharmOutcomes and ProScript Connect, we can deploy alerts to guide decision making at the point of care and optimise care delivery. With the Pathway solution from EMIS, we can also help healthcare providers to deliver proactive interventions by supporting the identification of at-risk patient cohorts and facilitating seamless information sharing. When it comes to communicating with patients, we can help to get research in front of the over 1 million Patient Access users who have opted-in to receive tailored information and guidance based on their medications and health conditions. We can also support with education for healthcare professionals via FourteenFish – a learning platform used by over 125,000 healthcare professionals, and the preferred appraisal toolkit partner for the Royal College of GPs (RCGP).



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