Pharmacy First: Supporting a service-led future in community pharmacy
Effectively manage your clinical service referrals PharmOutcomes Our secure, market leading end-to-end service management platform. PharmOutcomes is used by over 86% of pharmacists in England to deliver the Community Pharmacy Consultation Service (CPCS). By allowing practices to refer patients with minor illnesses into local pharmacies, we’re providing new pathways into healthcare services, and making the most of valuable pharmacist skills. Supporting Pharmacy First As the number one supplier for the national Discharge Medicines Service (DMS) and Smoking Cessation Service (SCS), PharmOutcomes has connected NHS hospital trusts, NHS 111 call centres, GP practices and Urgent Treatment Centres to pharmacies for over 11 years. By choosing PharmOutcomes as your chosen Pharmacy First IT provider, your team can effectively manage all referrals in one platform, providing a consistent approach to referral management.
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