Inform ProScript Connect
Using alerts within our ProScript Connect solution can enable you to reach pharmacists at the point of dispensing, providing additional information to support improved patient outcomes. This information can support dispensing pharmacists to make informed decisions for their patients, and patient facing alerts can be printed to provide additional support, with the option to include a QR code directing them to further resources. We’ll be able to share with you the representative statistics from our pharmacies, including how many times an alert has been viewed or printed, so that you can measure the impact of your campaign.
ProScript Connect is the market leading patient medication record (PMR) software in the UK, used in over 5,800 pharmacies to dispense 260 million prescriptions annually. Our technology supports pharmacy teams with the day-to-day needs of their business, from seamless dispensing through to the delivery of clinical services.
5,800 260m
community pharmacy customers in the UK
prescriptions dispensed annually
community pharmacy PMR software
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