EMIS-X Flipbook 2024

Case study

Tools like Pathway show that there is a new way to work with primary care. We’re no longer waiting for GPs to refer into us - we’re actively going out, finding those patients in primary care, and bringing them to us.” David Byrne, ODN Manager, Cheshire & Merseyside ODN

The NHS England Hepatitis C (HCV) elimination programme is working to eliminate Hepatitis C as a major public health issue in England, ahead of the World Health Organisation (WHO) goal of 2030. To achieve this, the Cheshire and Merseyside Operational Delivery Network (ODN), based at The Royal Liverpool University Hospital, has been exploring innovative approaches to finding and treating those with the virus.

Powered by EMIS-X Analytics, Pathway uses clinical intelligence within our software to identify at risk patients and supports healthcare teams to refer them onto the appropriate care pathway. In many instances these pathways are managed by specialist or community care services, thereby helping to relieve pressure from primary care. This is a great tool for early intervention which can allow patients to benefit from potentially lifesaving intervention and help reduce future demands on the NHS.



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