EMIS Spotlight Issue 3


EMIS Web housekeeping tips: your guide to a smooth experience To get the most from EMIS Web, there are several housekeeping activities that we recommend you should do regularly: Top tips for troubleshooting 1. Hardware - We recommend you Top tips to keep things running smoothly


undertake regular hardware checks - some you can do yourself, for others you may need an IT provider. Check EMIS Now for the suggested optimal hardware requirements - things to consider include your operating system, disk space, memory (RAM) and related software. 2. Network connectivity - Configuration of your local network can impact EMIS Web - your IT provider can help with this. Ask them to ensure that Quality of Service (QoS) is enabled for your organisation - 33% of GP practices in England do not and this could be causing issues. 3. Spoke Servers - Spoke servers provide a local cache for your patient records, helps business continuity and stores EMIS Web patch updates. If you don’t have a spoke server, or it’s not working correctly, it’s likely to have an impact on response times. 4. Caching of files - EMIS Web requires the following file to be available to run correctly: C:\ProgramData\EMIS\ ResourcePublisher\CDBNumber\CDBNumber. db Clearing your cache may delete this file, causing performance problems and it will need to be added back by EMIS. 5. Anti-virus conflicts - Microsoft anti virus software provides real-time protection for files but increases CPU usage if operating alongside EMIS Web. Excluding EMIS and partner products from the real-time scanning process can eliminate performance issues.

1. Avoid running multiple EMIS Web instances - Having more than one instance of EMIS Web open on your machine may cause performance issues and is not recommended. 2. Check the number of active tasks within EMIS Web - Too many active tasks within EMIS Web can cause problems - archive completed tasks daily to minimise impact. 3. Managing test requests - The way you manage a test request affects whether a task is generated in EMIS Web Workflow Manager. If you find the task count becomes unmanageable, you may need to review how they are ordered using your online test request provider. 4. Managing EMIS Web resources - A build-up of old or unused resources - such as clinical templates and protocols - increases the demand on the system, and sometimes may slow it down. 5. Searches and reports - Consider your search population carefully - only use the ‘all patients’ option where absolutely necessary. Running your search on ‘currently registered patients’ only, will ensure it runs faster. 6. Speed up your Medicine Management tasks - There are two new configuration options available to speed up the singing of electronic prescription (EPS) tasks, for further information please search KB0066427 on EMIS Now. 7. Large document sizes - Consider reducing the file size of documents, including scanning in a lower resolution, to improve speed and performance.

Learn more about EMIS Web, click the arrow to visit EMIS Now.

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