EMIS Spotlight Issue 2
FourteenFish Spotlight
How can Hero Health transform your booking workflow?
At FourteenFish we’re taking the headache out of the appraisal process for thousands of GPs, PCNs, and Trusts - freeing up valuable time to focus on patient needs.
This Appraisal Toolkit is excellent for appraisers as well as for appraisees. In fact, it makes the entire appraisal process, including sign off etc much, much easier than any other online appraisal toolkit I know.”
Our Appraisal Toolkit and related products are intuitive, easy-to-use and designed to support healthcare professionals throughout their careers.
Scan the QR code or visit fourteenfish.com
Empower your patients to make appointments online across Primary Care Networks and Federations – at the click of a button.
Dr Tillmann Jacob
Our Education App Access all the FourteenFish education resources in our education app and download content to watch offline. Our resources include Recorded Consultation Assessment and Applied Knowledge Test exam support, including video modules on common topics faced by primary care clinicians and an extensive GP library that holds over 80 concise video modules on common topics faced by primary care clinicians. All learning is easily captured into your FourteenFish appraisal toolkit.
Available on all iOs and Android compatible devices.
How can Hero Health transform your booking workflow?
Hero Health’s online booking platform automates scheduling workflows by allowing your patients to book directly into your PCN or Federation site, at a time and date that suits them. List appointments online through your website or invite patients - either individually or in batches - to book appointments with bespoke booking links sent by SMS or email. Once booked, Hero lets patients cancel and reschedule their appointments online - reducing additional administration.
Send your patients booking links for PCN or Federation slots.
Let your patients book online, directly into PCN or Federation level diaries.
Allow your administrators to book into cross-organisational slots.
Scan the QR code to download the app
For more information on Hero Health, scan the QR code.
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