EMIS Spotlight Digital April 2023
Our latest edition of EMIS Spotlight, featuring exciting updates on EMIS-X, FourteenFish, Recruit and much more.
Issue 2
April 2023
Highlights from across EMIS and primary care
Data driven decision making helps PCN shape services Data insights are enabling Folkestone, Hythe and Rural PCN to understand demand and maximise appointment capacity. EMIS-X: Delivering innovation through evolution Healthcare transformation through data driven insights, clinical intelligence and integrated tools.
Win an iPad with EMIS Mobile
Editor’s note
Welcome to our April 2023 issue of EMIS Spotlight It’s already been a busy couple of months here at EMIS. In February, Healthcare Gateway, part of EMIS Group, won the prestigious Holyrood Digital Health and Care Award for Industry Collaboration. The pilot project between Healthcare Gateway and NHS Dumfries and Galloway became the first in Scotland to roll out the Medical Interoperability Gateway, enabling 31 GP practices across the region to provide clinicians with real-time access to patient data, supporting faster and safer care. Secondly, our fantastic transformation and training team – the team responsible for ensuring that you, our customers, understand our software and services - found success with their 18th successive accreditation by the Learning and Performance Institute. The team have been awarded Gold, the highest possible grading, for the fourth year in a row. It’s easy to focus on our recent wins but as we continue into 2023, we’re laser focused on the year ahead and how we can continue to support you and the patients in your care.
4-5 Delivering innovation
through technology with EMIS-X
6-7 Data insights help PCN to shape services Customer stories
Identify and contact eligible patients for clinical trials with Recruit Healthcare Gateway - Health and care data flows across Kent and Medway
With that in mind, this April issue of EMIS Spotlight will take a look at the exciting evolution of EMIS-X, our powerful application that will soon host an array of new features to support your day-to-day working. We’ll also highlight our other powerful solutions; Recruit, EMIS Academy, Fourteen Fish and several of our fantastic partner products. There’s even a chance to win a new iPad for your practice, complete with a year’s subscription to EMIS Mobile. I hope you find the time to read this fantastic issue, we can’t wait to share it with you.
Why choose EMIS Mobile?
Win an iPad complete with EMIS Mobile
Why we love EMIS Web
16-17 Partner roundtable discussion
Upcoming events in 2023
Suzy Foster CEO EMIS Health
@EMISHealth @emishealth
What would you like to see in our next edition of EMIS Spotlight? We would love to hear from you on Twitter or LinkedIn.
EMIS-X’s evolution will continue beyond primary care into a full suite of integrated clinical applications. These will be scalable, responsive, and interoperable – supporting joined-up, safer, care across healthcare settings. Through the right tools we can help address the major challenges faced by the NHS. We’ll continue to deliver technology that makes healthcare safer, more efficient, and accessible to all, and we’re excited by the impact EMIS-X will have on patients and clinicians alike.
EMIS-X will offer redefined, efficient, workflows centred around user insights and and today’s ways of working, providing improved usability and making it easier to find the information you need. We’ll continue to expand the scope and depth of EMIS-X capabilities. The evolutionary approach also means that all your existing sharing agreements will remain in place, so there’ll be no need to set up new processes in order to work with your PCN and community colleagues if you already have these in place.
Come with us on the EMIS-X journey. For more information about EMIS-X, speak to your account director or email info@emishealth.com.
Delivering innovation through evolution
EMIS-X is transforming our clinical systems, enhancing your day-to-day experience, and improving patient interactions and outcomes. All whilst making your transition from EMIS Web as smooth as possible.
Last year, new features powered by EMIS-X technology were introduced to EMISWeb, such as Local Services to allow digital triage and patient referral into local care services. This year we’re taking EMIS-X to the next level in primary care with the introduction of an EMIS-X application that can be launched from EMIS Web. EMIS-X, which is now in pilot, will introduce clinical views, side-by-side document viewing, our new proactive care tool, Pathway, as well as refreshed instant messaging and integration with
using their current system but will benefit from exciting enhancements as soon as they’re ready. In 2024 you’ll be able to access EMIS-X independently from EMISWeb through a browser on any device. This will mean you can use all the core primary care capabilities required by the NHS Technology Innovation Framework, including;
Our market leading clinical systems are used across every major health setting and have one overarching aim, to improve patient outcomes. EMIS-X uses the latest technology to build on this, supporting healthcare transformation through data driven insights, clinical intelligence and integrated tools that all underpin joined up, informed and efficient care.”
patient information maintenance. appointments management. recording consultations. prescribing.
EMIS Now (our online service portal). Taking an evolutionary approach to the
referral management. resource management.
deployment of EMIS-X, with no big bang, means that EMISWeb users will be able to continue
Dr Shaun O’Hanlon – Chief Medical Officer
Data insights help PCN to shape services
Customer stories
Simplifying reporting with Contract Manager Member practices across the network have been reaping the time-saving benefits of the APEX Contract Manager functionality, which is now being mobilised at a PCN level. Contract Manager enables practices to generate claims and invoice for locally commissioned services in a matter of minutes, rather than producing manual onerous reports to support claims. Throughout 2022, practice managers across the PCN used the automated submission workflow in APEX to release hours of valuable time to focus on other priorities.
Monitoring Impact and Investment Fund and Enhanced Access From this foundation, Folkestone, Hythe & Rural are now the first PCN using APEX Contract Manager to monitor their Impact and Investment Fund (IIF) progress, with full indicator breakdowns and a highly visual practice benchmarking. The PCN team are also working in a collaborative feedback cycle with our APEX developers to ensure solutions are tailored to the needs of frontline providers. Having real-time data highlighting our IIF indicators and progress has enabled our PCN to work collaboratively with practices to ensure work is distributed equitably and targets are met.” Andy Gove, Digital Transformation Manager, Folkestone, Hythe and Rural PCN On this same module template, we’ll soon be releasing a full Enhanced Access reporting tool within APEX, allowing PCNs up and down the country to easily track their delivery of the national contract, with data streaming directly fromGP practices and EMIS PCN Hub on a daily basis.
Using our APEX analytics platform has allowed Folkestone, Hythe & Rural PCN to better understand demand and capacity across their organisation and make adjustments to provide greater support to their seven member practices.
Understanding demand and capacity
Empowering data-driven decision making Implementing APEX has allowed the team at Folkestone, Hythe & Rural PCN to visualise their data in real-time to make informed decisions on capacity planning and the structuring of their PCN additional roles workforce. “It has allowed us to really see all the necessary data in real-time and run targeted search and reports across our PCN practices”, commented PCN Clinical Director Dr Aravinth Balachandran. Through better understanding how services are currently utilised across their network, the team are informing future planning against their expected levels of demand, and designing services to meet the needs of their patients. Usage data also played a critical role in the formation of their PCN Hub operating model. The team at Folkestone, Hythe & Rural PCN used a dedicated APEX Hub report to gain new insights into areas of unused capacity across their network. Identifying these opportunities for improvement, they were then able to improve appointment capacity based on the times and locations where patients use their services most. As well as using data to inform operational planning across their network, Folkestone, Hythe & Rural PCN have also used APEX to drive effective vaccination campaigns - quickly identifying opportunities to drive efficiency and patient outcomes through strategic planning, and ensuring every patient contact counts. Enhancing access into services
The team at APEX truly understand the challenges in Primary Care and are able to harness their years’ experience to produce a compelling business intelligence platform that PCNs can use.” allowing practices, Primary Care Networks (PCNs), and Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) to better understand the needs of their population against the capacity of their workforce. In doing so, APEX is empowering data-driven decision making and supporting healthcare teams to drive quality improvements. Our APEX solution is transforming primary care data into highly visual and digestible dashboards,
Dr Aravinth Balachandran Clinical Director, Folkestone, Hythe and Rural PCN
Click the arrow to find out more about how the team at Folkestone, Hythe & Rural PCN have been transforming their model.
from EMIS
Health and care data flows across Kent and Medway Healthcare Gateway gives organisations real-time patient data helping them give better, more efficient patient care. Two-way feeds of real-time patient data supports healthcare professionals to make informed decisions - reducing admin and speeding up discharge times.
Identify and contact eligible patients for clinical trials with Recruit Activate for free, today Recruit, embedded within EMISWeb, uses advanced analytics and algorithms powered by EMIS-X so you can quickly and easily identify and contact patients who are eligible to take part in clinical trials within your locality. Not only does clinical research help to advance medical knowledge and improve patient care, it can also generate revenue for your practice. You’ll receive automatic payments for all eligible patients that consent to share their contact details with the research organisation. Activating Recruit only takes a fewminutes - we’ve outlined the simple steps to get you started.
Mental health is a key focus in the NHS long term plan. The Medical Interoperability Gateway (MIG) narrows the divide between health and care services, helping them to work together and coordinate care provision. By working with more than 80 partners, Healthcare Gateway mobilises multiple datasets to provide health professionals, in any setting, access to crucial information. Healthcare Gateway’s mental health dataset gives a real-time view of the Access Rio system - giving clinicians a more comprehensive oversight of a patient’s medical history. The MIG gives access to the GP record for clinicians at the Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT). This has enabled mental health teams to view the GP record alongside acute data. The two-way flow of data through the MIG allows mental health data from KMPT to be visible directly in primary care systems. Across the region more than 70,000 patient records are extracted via the MIG every month. This joined up approach lets 135 GP practices across the Kent and Medway group make informed decisions quickly - improving patient safety and supporting better management of patients in crisis situations.
Access to this level of patient data saves GPs across Kent an extraordinary amount of time, freeing up more hours to care for our patients, it’s invaluable. Accessing the MIG has become an integral part of our day-to day work, from knowing if a patient has been discharged from mental health services to when their next appointment is. The gaps are filled without the patient needing to remember the finer detail. I can now see what mental health teams are planning and clarify that plan with a patient.” Dr Tim Chan, Whitstable Medical Practice, Kent Reciprocally sharing data is joining up health and care across the region, enabling clinicians to deliver seamless patient care.
Search KB0076213 on EMIS Now to find out more.
We’ve always wanted to be more involved in research as a surgery but haven’t been able to find the time or the capacity to do this. Recruit from EMIS has given us an opportunity to offer this to our patients in an easy and convenient way.
For more information about Medical Interoperability Gateway, click the arrow.
GP Partner, Hertfordshire
Advance medical knowledge
Generate revenue
Improve patient care
Why choose EMIS Mobile?
Win an iPad complete with EMIS Mobile! To celebrate the launch of EMIS Mobile iOS 6.4, we’re giving our lucky readers the chance to WIN an iPad for their practice, and the opportunity to see how EMIS Mobile can optimise staff time and patient care.
Provide safe and informed care closer to home by securely and quickly accessing all the core elements of EMIS Web, wherever you are.
Key features: • Edit Consultations allows you to review and amend consultations created in Mobile whilst on the move.* • Body Maps lets you illustrate and annotate specific locations on a patient’s body to highlight areas of concern. • Take A Photo enables you to add images to the patient care record. • Episode Status lets you view previously recorded information relating to a patient’s existing injury or condition in detail, to enable more informed care going forward. • Improve patient safety with real-time patient alerts and warnings. *Exact date of availability varies based on Operating System Some features will also have dependency on a minimum EMISWeb Version.
EMIS Mobile allows clinicians to access a patient’s health record wherever they are, whenever it’s needed. This supports safer decision making and improves the patient’s experience as the clinician is fully informed.” You can access and edit patient records on the go, add care plans, take pictures and upload them into the care record. You can even save records and work offline if required, then sync back to the master patient record in EMISWeb when you have connectivity, reducing the need to return to base.
*iPad image for promotional purposes only.
How to enter Simply scan the belowQR code or visit https://www.emishealth.com/competition-2 to find out more and submit your entry!
Ian Bailey - Senior Clinical Director
Key benefits:
Efficient View, edit and add patient care plans. Time-saving Optimise ways of working by eliminating the need to return to site. Safer Update patient records in real-time whilst on the go and reduce the inaccuracy of hand-written notes.
The competition closes at midnight on 01/07/2023
For T&Cs please visit the website.
Good luck!
Click the arrow to enter the competition.
EMIS Mobile is compatible with Windows 11, iOS and Android, making it easier than ever to work remotely via your preferred device.
Why we love EMIS Web We’re passionate about providing you with a clinical system that supports your day to-day workload, so that you can focus on the most important part of your job - your patients. We spoke to two of our Clinical Directors, Dr Ian Wood and Dr Krishna Vakharia, who gave us their top five reasons why they love EMIS Web. Dr Ian Wood 1. Rich clinical Dr Krishna Vakharia
Manage high-call volume effortlessly with Surgery Connect’s leading call centre technology Surgery Connect is an adaptable, cloud-based phone system designed specifically for primary care. Using the latest call centre technology, Surgery Connect supports practice staff with efficient call management, attaching call information directly to a patient’s record within EMISWeb. Used by more than 2,400 GP surgeries, this intelligent telephony system has helped improve the patient experience and simplified appointment booking for more than 24 million patients across England andWales. Streamline appointment bookings
decision support - prompts me to consider important clinical decisions and factors that are tailored to the patient in front of me. This improves the quality, safety and efficiency of the care I provide.
1. Calculations - I just put in a patient’s weight or height and EMISWeb magically calculates the BMI for me. It’s a game changer. 2. Templates - all the risk scores are helpful when managing a patient.
Dr IanWood, Clinical Director & GP, EMIS Health
Dr Krishna Vakharia, Clinical Director & GP, EMIS Health
By clicking onto the template all the relevant information is pulled from the record. Templates can also direct us to get the right information from the patient if that data is missing. In both cases we are making sure the patient is getting the correct care for their needs. 3. The ability to add additional patient information – for example, who do I have consent to talk to? Are they bed bound? Are they hard of hearing? This is all added by our admin team and personalised to each patient, so that we can provide better care. 4.Patient information leaflets – I can access themwithin the consultation to print off or send to the patient, giving them extra support they can rely on. 5. Safety checks - when prescribing, EMISWeb automatically safety checks contraindications and allergies, helping to make me a safer GP.
2. The comprehensive suite of search tools - such as AF Advisor, help me to efficiently review cohorts of patients and to work with colleagues to give them the best care. 3. Recruit - allows my practice and patients to get directly involved in research and trial recruitment. This gives them the opportunity to support cutting edge treatments and research. 4.Electronic tools - such as electronic prescribing and fit notes, save a lot of time and work for our clinicians and patients. 5. Partner products - strong integration with many of our locally commissioned partner products creates a more efficient process and seamless data transfer between technologies.
Allow your patients to schedule appointments with ease, reducing workloads for your staff, whilst improving communication and wait times during busy periods. Optimise call management With advanced call management features, calls are answered promptly and directed to the appropriate staff member. Enhance patient communications Messaging and video conferencing tools allow you to communicate with patients securely and efficiently. Improve practice efficiency Integrates with EMISWeb to streamline your workflows and improve efficiency.
Learn more For more information on Surgery Connect, click the arrow.
To learn more about EMIS Web, click the arrow.
FourteenFish Spotlight
How can Hero Health transform your booking workflow?
At FourteenFish we’re taking the headache out of the appraisal process for thousands of GPs, PCNs, and Trusts - freeing up valuable time to focus on patient needs.
This Appraisal Toolkit is excellent for appraisers as well as for appraisees. In fact, it makes the entire appraisal process, including sign off etc much, much easier than any other online appraisal toolkit I know.”
Our Appraisal Toolkit and related products are intuitive, easy-to-use and designed to support healthcare professionals throughout their careers.
Click the arrow or visit fourteenfish.com
Empower your patients to make appointments online across Primary Care Networks and Federations – at the click of a button.
Dr Tillmann Jacob
Our Education App Access all the FourteenFish education resources in our education app and download content to watch offline. Our resources include Recorded Consultation Assessment and Applied Knowledge Test exam support, including video modules on common topics faced by primary care clinicians and an extensive GP library that holds over 80 concise video modules on common topics faced by primary care clinicians. All learning is easily captured into your FourteenFish appraisal toolkit.
Available on all iOs and Android compatible devices.
How can Hero Health transform your booking workflow?
Hero Health’s online booking platform automates scheduling workflows by allowing your patients to book directly into your PCN or Federation site, at a time and date that suits them. List appointments online through your website or invite patients - either individually or in batches - to book appointments with bespoke booking links sent by SMS or email. Once booked, Hero lets patients cancel and reschedule their appointments online - reducing additional administration.
Send your patients booking links for PCN or Federation slots.
Let your patients book online, directly into PCN or Federation level diaries.
Allow your administrators to book into cross-organisational slots.
Click the arrow to download the app
For more information on Hero Health, click the arrow.
Harnessing the power of digital technology, especially across primary healthcare services, is a vital component for our long term environmental and people sustainability. Our digital platform, Jayex Connect, reduces paper waste by raising awareness of health campaigns or patient information, and conducting surveys digitally – it also helps increase operational efficiency. Digitising patient communication in primary care enhances the flow of healthcare knowledge, directly impacting resources required and patient outcomes. Better communication means fewer patient journeys may be made to the GP practice. It allows primary care staff to better use their time
Rob Hadley, Chief Executive Officer, Jayex Technology
to treat patients, instead of spending it on tasks which can be automated or signposting to a different service. Less staff turnover and burnout reduces the use of resources to train new staff. Staff working under less stress means less time, medications, or rawmaterials will be wasted through unnecessary interventions or appointments. This increased sustainability ultimately fosters better patient outcomes.”
Fully digital ECG devices provide new workflows, that come with a number of advantages when compared to traditional ECGs. Just connect to your laptop or tablet and run a 12-lead ECG without compromise. Due to the fully digital system, paper consumption is zero, which reduces costs and contributes to your conservation efforts. Ultra-portable lightweights like the Seca CT331 are particularly useful during home visits, ensuring more effective patient care, but are also suitable for practices and clinics. Instead of printing ECG results on paper, you can record patient data and ECG traces to the digital patient file. Integrated into EHR systems like EMISWeb, it reduces the time spent on administrative work, such as printing out results or filing them away. It frees up time for staff to work on other tasks and improves patient safety due to an automated process.
Climate change continues to pose a major threat to healthcare services and patients across the globe. In October 2020, the NHS became the world’s first health service to commit to reaching carbon net zero, supported by initiatives designed to promote a more sustainable healthcare system. In March, we asked our expert partner roundtable: How can the adoption of digital technology contribute to sustainability within primary care? Partner roundtable discussion: How can the adoption of digital technology contribute to sustainability within primary care?
Simon Ford, Managing Director, Seca
Designed and manufactured with a green mind, Seca devices comply with the EuropeanWEEE Directive on reducing electronic waste, the RoHS Directive, and REACH regulations.”
The adoption of digital technology in general has potential to contribute significantly to sustainability within primary care. It can make way for increased efficiencies, lower energy usage, and cost savings from replacing legacy equipment. Moving to a cloud-hosted system like babblevoice, creates opportunities for surgeries and PCNs to make tangible cost savings from energy use reduction - a real win-win. Cloud-hosting removes the need for each surgery site to house a server for example, while companies like us operate group servers in energy efficient ways for multiple customers. Babblevoice has always been focused on contributing to sustainability.
Antoine Lever, Commercial Director, Babblevoice
To learn more about our partner products, click the arrow
From the choices we make in the design and build of our software, to the selection of providers we work with. Highly efficient code for example, enables us to achieve a system that minimises energy consumption. Our six sustainability pledges fully support the Greener NHS programme.”
Upcoming events
EMIS host and attend events, both online and in-person throughout the year. We bring the healthcare community together to collaborate, share insights and develop ideas. It’s easy to connect with us at one of our upcoming events, read on to learn more and register your attendance by scanning the QR Code.
EMIS-X: Innovation through evolution 8th June – 18th July 2023 Join us as we embark on a journey across England to showcase EMIS-X. Our next generation clinical platform will enable seamless interoperability, digital access and intelligent analytics to transform general practice. Our EMIS-X Roadshow will take place across 6 locations in England, click the arrow to register your interest.
Speech-enable EMIS Web with Dragon Medical One
Click the arrow to register your attendance on the EMIS website:
EMIS National User Group Annual Conference 13th – 15th September, Tottenham Hostspur Stadium The EMIS National User Group is a non-profitmaking organisation set up to improve the use of health information. The conference will be a fantastic opportunity to hear best practice case studies from other EMIS users, hear the latest clinical and policy developments and network with fellow EMISWeb users.
Dragon Medical One is a cutting-edge, cloud-based speech recognition platform designed specifically for healthcare professionals.
Click the arrow to register your attendance on organiser’s website:
Effortlessly dictate clinical notes and patient information directly into EMISWeb. Simply speak into your microphone and your words are instantly transcribed into the patient’s record, eliminating the need for typing. What’s more, Dragon Medical One adapts to your speaking style resulting in a 99% accuracy rate. • Easily navigate and code consultations. • Dictate referrals into tasks to reduce backlogs and eliminate typing.
• One-click install on any device at any location. • Customisable templates and commands. Join the thousands of healthcare professionals who have already revolutionised their clinical workflows with Dragon Medical One.
Healthcare Excellence Through Technology 26 – 27 September, Excel, London HETT, Healthcare Excellence Through Technology, returns 26-27th September at ExCel in London. Bringing together the digital health community, HETT 2023 will explore the systems and infrastructure that underpin and enable a data driven NHS. Enjoy over 50 hours of free CPD accredited training, alongside interactive activities and networking opportunities. Visit us on stand E23
Experience Dragon Medical One FREE of charge for 30
Click the arrow to register your attendance on organiser’s website:
days, click the arrow to find out more.
talkto@emishealth.com www.emishealth.com
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