EMIS Ethical Principles
The EMIS Ethical Principles
Benefit Our mission is to use technology to drive up the quality and safety of care. EMIS collaborations will enable clinical, social or system benefit for patients, clinicians and the NHS. Transparency We are proud and excited about this work and who we are working with. EMIS commits to be transparent with customers around the use of patient data and the nature of any research being undertaken. Privacy We are the privileged custodians and processors of sensitive personal data about individuals. We will comply with our legal and ethical obligations and ensure we have appropriate permissions when managing patient and customer data.
Evidence based We support and work with world- leading clinicians and researchers who practice medicine and pioneer new solutions following the scientific method. We will look to ensure that all endeavours we engage with will have academic rigour and evidence-based practice at their core and our principles and our partnerships will drive us in the delivery of clinical excellence, the pursuit of leading evidence and the potential of clinical innovation. Safety Patient safety is at the core of everything we do. We are committed to improving the effectiveness of healthcare through collaborative working in a way that drives improved patient safety and outcomes.
EMIS is working with researchers to provide positive, ethical solutions to the challenges they face in line with the five key themes announced by the Government. We are developing technology that makes it easier for patients and clinicians to participate in, and derive value from, research. Our focus is on creating positive change in healthcare and we believe this can best be achieved by working together and co-creating a research approach that meets the needs of an ever-changing healthcare landscape.
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